Family Time Is Must with The Supremes


When, we as kids, our parents use to say us, “We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.” But, in the fast-moving world and being at a fast pace of modern family life can easily forget spending time together with their loved ones.  Our time is one of the greatest things we can give them. Summertime offers lots of opportunities to spend time together and some good old family bonding! Here’s why you should make quality time a priority:

Builds a child’s self-esteem:

Parents need to fill a child’s bucket of self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can’t poke enough holes to drain it dry. A confident child needs a positive and realistic perception of his or her abilities. This arises out of achievements, great or small. Parent’s encouraging words can help develop this confidence, especially when you refer to your child’s specific efforts or abilities.

Strengthens the bond of a family:

It can be challenging to find quality family time and increase bonding between family members. Building a family that supports and encourages one another takes energy and time. Try these tips to strengthen the bonds within your family. It doesn’t happen naturally in our hectic day-to-day lives it needs to share your favorite hobbies, sports, books, movies or other favorite activities and also mealtime is an excellent place to share your day with your family.

Positive behaviors development:

Children and adolescents (stage of physical and psychological development) who spend more time with their parents are less likely to get involved in risky behavior. Who parents care who provide boundaries as part of a loving and secure relationship with their children help children feel secure and self-confident. Children benefit from knowing that their environment is stable and that a competent adult is taking care of them.

Encourages communication:

When you spend time with your children you are fostering an environment for open communication. Good communication is important for your children to feel comfortable with talking to about anything. Simply asking your child how their day was, ask gone can make a big difference.

Child’s academic performance:

Spending time helping your children with schoolwork or reading together, especially in their early years, will foster an environment that values academics. If your child feels comfortable coming to you with schoolwork, they are more likely to perform better academically.

Help your kid to be a good friend:

Children learn by example. If you are setting a good example for them by spending quality time together, they are more likely to adopt those behaviors in other relationships in their lives. Simple things like playing games together will help them understand more about interacting with others as well as teach them things like sharing and kindness.

In every, toddlers tantrums, tears, and laughter have opportunities to connect with your young ones

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